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The ancient civilization of the Maya worshipped a number of Gods. They would sacrifice humans in order to communicate with them. After death, the soul was believed to go to the Underworld (Xibalba) where the sinister Death God (Yum Cimil) tested, tortured and tricked their unfortunate visitors.

The most powerful god was HUNAB KU. He was the creator. In the daytime he would be KINICH AHAU, the Sun God, who was the patron god of the city Itzamal. He was believed to visit the city at noon and would descend as a macaw and prepare offerings to the people. His feathery serpent mode was also know asKUKULCAN or also known as the Wind God: QUETZALCOATL.  The feathered snake, Kukulcan is believed to of settled at the archeological site of Chichen Itza.  At the two yearly equinoxes the play of light and shadow on the…

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